The Veneto by bicycle - Venetian Villas
Villa Valmarana at Mira
Villa Seriman at Mira - Villa Contarini dei Leoni - Villa Foscarini at Stra - Villa Pisani at Stra Flag

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Mira, altitude 5 m/16 feet above sea level; train stations at Mira, 4 km/2.5 miles to the north on the Venezia-Padova line, and at Mira Buse 1 km/.6 miles to the south on the Venezia-Adria line. The villa is highly visible from the bicycle route of the Brenta, and faces the Villa Seriman-Widmann, on the opposite side of the canal.

This villa was built in 1761 by the nobleman Leonardo Valmarana, a member of a wealthy family from Vicenza, and consisted of a central building with two (*)barchesse [support structures]; the main building was demolished in the early twentieth century to avoid a tax on luxury buildings; all that remains standing are the two barchesse that were abandoned and fell into ruin. Eventually the right barchessa, also known as the foresteria [guest quarters], which is located on the Brenta canal opposite Villa Seriman, was restored and is now the main building of this property.

Currently (2011) the villa can be visited for an admission fee (6 €) on Saturdays and Sundays between 10 am and 4 pm.

Reference and links

“In the Venetian dialect, a barchessa is an all-purpose farm building, housing plows and other farm equipment, storing grain, and stabling animals.” from Palladian Days, Finding a New Life in a Venetian Country House by Sally Gable. RB X