The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Rezzonico at Bassano del Grappa (VI)
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Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza), Via Ca` Rezzonico, altitude 120 m/394 feet above sea level; train station at Bassano del Grappa, about 1 km/.6 mile to the north.

This villa was constructed at the end of the seventeenth century on behalf of Giambattista Rezzonico; the family was admitted into the Venetian nobility in 1687. Carlo Rezzonico was elected Pope in 1758 and given the name Clement XIII. The identity of the architect is unknown, although the names Baldassarre Longhena and Giorgio Massari have been conjectured; the two barchesse [service buildings] were designed by Antonio Gaidon, a Bassano architect.

The central building is a very simple block with four turrets at the corners. To the sides there are two barchesse that were added during the eighteenth century in a neo-Palladian style; the south barchessa served as guest quarters, while the north barchessa was used as a rustic outbuilding. Unfortunately today the grounds are crossed by a very busy street - the SS 47 - that separates the villa from the old garden wall and from the former entrance gate.

Today the villa is owned by Luigi Borella, and thus the name Villa Rezzonico Borella; the grounds may be visited and the interior can be visited by making a reservation.

Latest visit: 2014-09-07

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