The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Querini at Mira (VE)
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Map of the villa and surroundings

Mira, 4 m/13 feet above sea level, Riviera Giacomo Matteotti 108-122; train station at Mira Buse ST on the Venezia-Adria line about 1,500 m/.9 mile to the south. By bicycle the villa is located on the Riviera del Brenta bike route.

This villa was commissioned in 1504 by the noble Venetian family Querini who had just given up their Palazzo Moro at Oriago; the structure is in a cubic form that rises on the southern bank of the Brenta Canal, at one of its bends. Its appearance recalls a Venetian palazzo, reminiscent of the nearby Villa Gradenigo at Oriago. As is customary there are barchesse on both sides.

The villa went through many changes in ownership and many alterations until it was purchased at the end of the twentieth century by the painter GB Tiozzo, who restored the villa including restoration of frescoes attributed to Bonifacio de' Pitati, a student of Palma il Vecchio and of Schiavone.

The villa is now used as the private residence of the Tiozzo family and cannot be visited.

Latest visit: 2015-02-08

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