The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Priuli at Venezia Malcontenta (VE)
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Malcontenta, a district of Venice, 3 m/10 feet above sea level, Via Padana 244; train station at Venezia Porta Ouest [west gate] on the Venezia Adria line, about 1 km/.6 mile to the north. The villa is located along the Riviera del Brenta bicycle route, on the north bank. [Riviera in this context refers to the shore of the Brenta Canal. RB]

The villa is located on the north bank of the Riviera del Brenta at a sharp turn in Via Padana and in a location that is rather set back and therefore not very visible; it is connected to the riviera by a small tree-lined avenue.

The initial section was constructed during the sixteenth century for the Venetian Priuli family. Subsequently, between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it was enlarged with a monumental facade characterized by a loggia [porch] with three arches and Ionic columns. In every eighteenth century print the villa looks exactly as it does today. To the sides of the villa two barchesse were added of which only the one on the right [east side] has survived to this day.

The villa at some point had numerous changes of ownership, passing successively to the Bon, Falier, Perale and Walter families and finally to the Fürstemberg family. Recently restored, today it is a private residence and not open to the public.

Latest visit: 2021-04-04

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