The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Da Porto Casarotto at Dueville (VI)
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Map of the villa and surroundings

Dueville (Vicenza) in the locality of Pilastroni, 55 m/180 feet above sea level; train station at Dueville on the Vicenza-Schio line or at Vicenza on the Milano-Venezia line, about 8 km/5 miles to the south. The villa is set at the end of the long straightaway of Via Pilastroni when coming from Vicenza; on bicycle it is reachable along the Vicenza-Thiene bike route.

This impressive villa was constructed after 1770 on behalf of Antonio Maria Porto by the Vicenza architect Ottone Calderari, who for this villa was obviously inspired by the style of Palladio, of whom he was a great admirer and scholar.

This villa has at its center a large pronaos [classical porch] contained by two arches on the sides and by four Ionic columns; in front of the porch there is a large stairway defined by two sidewalls.

Calderari had also designed two barchesse [farm support buildings] that were never realized and a chapel to the right of the villa. Instead a stables was built later to the left of the villa with a large clock at its center. Since 1924 the villa has changed ownership to the Casarotto family. Today it is used for functions such as weddings, parties, banquets, concerts, etc., and etc. It can be visited by appointment (see the official website).

The villa is located a short distance from the sixteenth century Villa Porto Pedrotti, similar in name, as well as appearance, as well that it is set at the end of a long straightaway.

Latest visit: 2013-04-14

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