The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Pojana at Pojana maggiore (VI)
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Pojana Maggiore, province of Vicenza; train station at Montagnana 7 km/4.5 miles to the south. Location: Via Castello.

This villa was built by Palladio between 1550 and 1563 on behalf of Bartolomeo Pojana, a Vicenza nobleman with a military background and a member of the Maggior Consiglio della Repubblica di Venezia [Grand Council of the Republic of Venice].

The villa has a rather unusual design in comparison with other Palladian villas, it is more sober and austere, probably to reflect the spirit of a family with strong military traditions.

Inside there are artistic works: paintings, stucchi (stuccowork), sculpture by Bernardino India, Anselmo Canera and Bartolomeo Ridolfi predominantly of warlike subjects.

Directly across the street Villa Paltinieri-Pojana, which for the most part is a medieval castle, sits in ruins.

On bicycle, it is possible to reach the villa from the Colli Berici [Berici hills], or from nearby Montagnana, where there is a train station on the Mantova-Monselice line.

Latest visit: 2018-05-06

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