The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Barchessa di villa Trissino at Meledo di Sarego (VI)
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Meledo di Sarego (Province of Vicenza) 43 m/141 feet above sea level, Via Gian Giorgio Trissino. Train station at Montebello Vicentino on the Milano-Venezia line, about 4 km/2.5miles to the northwest.

The Vicentine brothers Francesco and Ludovico Trissino commissioned Andrea Palladio to design a villa along the river Brendola southwest of Vicenza. The project appears in the Second Book of Architecture, and perhaps is the largest of all the villas presented in the Book.

In reality the project was never completed, no one knows why, so that all that remains today is a dovecote tower attached to an uncompleted barchessa [Venetian farm support building. RB] with a Tuscan colonnade, the same elements described by Palladio(*). There are also impressive foundations which allow one to believe that work had begun on the villa and in a big manner.

The entry gate is locked with a padlock and supports two signs announcing an upcoming restoration, although for now (January 2014) there is no sign of activity.

[…] The columns of these portico’s [sic] are of the Tuscan order. Over the river, in the angles of the court, are two dove houses. X

Latest visit: 2014-01-26

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Panoramic photo: to see the entire photo, double-click on the image. X